
The Virtual Vacation

The Virtual Vacation Hypnosis Session

This is a message for every professional who desperately needs a change of pace and scenery, but can’t spare the time or money it takes to go on that dream vacation… or maybe any vacation!

Here’s the biggest problem you face right now. When it comes to taking time off…

The right time to go… never seems to come.

Even before recent events made it harder to travel, did you ever postpone taking time off because you were afraid things at the office would slip through the cracks or a client who needs extra hand-holding would feel slighted?

Have your relationships ever taken a hit because you missed a birthday, a graduation, or a funeral because of work?

But that’s not the end of the problem. It actually gets worse! Why?

Because most professionals can’t get past the lie that taking time off is a luxury.

They forget that constant daily stress affects our physical health, not to mention our mental and emotional health.

Sure, some people know that living in constant stress can affect your immune system, heart health, your digestion, your weight, your mood, your memory, fertility, performance, your ability to bounce back from adversity, even your DNA.

But even those who do bother to take time off don’t do it in a way that will truly offset the mental and physical pressure they’ve been under.

They’ll spend 60-70 hours a week at the office, and once in awhile they’ll go for a bike ride or get some personal pampering. But that’s not enough.

You aren’t getting the extended time away that lets you really renew and reset.

Worst of all, some people spend their vacations glued to their laptop or phone, worrying about what’s happening at the office…. or what’s NOT happening.

Instead of coming back invigorated, you come back feeling like you never got away.

But guess what? There’s a solution!

Introducing... The Virtual Vacation

The Virtual Vacation is a hypnotic process custom designed for you to help you

  • Design your perfect vacation unrestricted by logistics of time or space…
  • Bypass the effort and inconvenience of airports, luggage, and coping with other passengers…
  • Use a hypnotic technique called time distortion so even though it’s just 20 minutes, you get the physical feeling of a 4-hour nap and the mental relief of a 7-day vacation. (In hypnosis, minutes can seem like hours, days, or weeks.)
  • Go back in time to relive a favorite vacation, or revisit a place you love, or spend time with the special people you don’t see enough anymore…
  • See the world with fresh eyes and take all the time you need to feel restored.
  • With a mental vacation, you can skip the boring stuff, only do the things you like,
  • and much, much more!

Now, you might be asking yourself… who am I to offer you a week’s vacation in just a few minutes?

Well, my name is Michelle De Lude, and I’ve been a consulting hypnotist since 2007. I help overworked executives get away from the pressures of everyday life with a Virtual Vacation that feels like 4-hour nap and a week-long vacation, but it actually only takes about 20 minutes.

Here's the bottom line with the Virtual Vacation

  • You deserve to stop waiting for your schedule to give you permission to care for the person who shows up for it every single day…

  • You could depart for that dream vacation the very next time you close your eyes

  • There has never been a better, easier time than right now to use hypnosis for your personal and professional well being….

  • Best of all? You’ll start seeing results with The Virtual Vacation in minutes…

and right now, it costs just $95.

So again, if you’re a professional who needs to get away from the demands of everyday life and come back feeling ready for anything…

Get Onboard With The Virtual Vacation Now!

Here's how it works and what you get

Interview. I’ll gather the information to customize your session.

  • What is your dream vacation like?
  • Where do you want to go?
  • What do you want to experience?
  • How do you want to feel?

Hypnosis basics. I’ll measure your natural hypnotic abilities and give you shortcuts to make them even stronger.

Hypnosis session. I’ll conduct a hypnotic Virtual Vacation designed to the specifications you provided during our Interview.

Recording. You’ll receive a high-quality audio recording that you can download and replay anytime you want. It’s like getting an unlimited travel pass that never expires!


To learn more about the Virtual Vacation, a Stress Relief Session, or a Personal Change Program, you can schedule a free 30-minute strategy call.

This free 30-minute conversation gives us the opportunity to talk about what you want and answer any questions you may have.